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Dream, Design, Develop, Deliver

azure specialists, custom software development, systems architecture.

Some of our clients

  • AngloAmerican
  • Uniper
  • SPAR
  • Chelsea
  • CliffordChance
  • LSEG

We build systems for web and mobile

CodeStream has a combined 40 years experience in Information Technology designing and building systems for large enterprises and small startups.


Truly disruptive businesses dream first. Don't just keep up with the competition, dream about what it will take to leap-frog the norm and become the leader in your industry.


Ensure your systems are responsive to change and able to scale before you develop them. Plan for success and technology will reward you accordingly.


We build smart and test continuously which allows us to adapt on the fly to changing environments. We keep it agile so that you always have a responsive partner in the development space.


Don't wait six months to find out your project is behind schedule. We deliver on regular short intervals to keep things transparent and ourselves accountable.

What we specialise in

We have a breadth of experience in Microsoft Azure and associated technologies and platform features.

  • tech
  • tech
  • tech
  • tech
  • tech
  • tech
  • tech
  • tech
  • tech
  • tech
  • tech

These are some of the projects we have worked on.